What is Disruptive Therapy?
Picasso said to “learn the rules like a pro so that you can break them like an artist.”
This is how I view my disruptive approach to therapy. I studied everything from Freud to Existentialist Theory to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I worked in clinical settings with children and those struggling with addiction. I took my notes and had supervisors. I learned my shit so that I could, at one point, disrupt it all, and settle into my own style, and find my own voice.
My approach is highly based in theory and research and science, but I like to think that I can communicate and package it differently. I do my best to pick the most effective treatments and modalities that I know, mix them together with my life experience, trial and error, as well as some tricks, and then you get my version of therapy…
D I S R U P T I V E therapy.
Oh yeah— I also like to help people unleash their inner badass. That’s pretty fun.
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